She Wore Black

  • She Wore Black
    She Wore Black
    She Wore Black

She Wore Black

Anyone who has ever turned to the works of Ibrahimbeyov, later frequently came back to it, and every time found something new for themselves. Magsud Ibrahimbeyov wrote his works in the Russian language; however, he has always been and remains a truly national writer, since each one of his works is imbued with deep love for his native land, his roots…


Mehriban Aliyeva, First Vice-president of the Republic of Azerbaijan 


Reading this novel feels like turning the pages of an old, black-and-white photo album, where dozens of all-too-familiar faces are carefully watching you from the pages. Each one of them is telling their own, deeply personal story, but together they comprise our common history, which we should not forget.


Tarlan Gorchu, producer, artist 


Having read this story, I’ve enjoyed it tremendously. It is such a great prose; so unexpected, so genuine, unlike anything else, I’ve simply fallen in love with it. The same as I’ve fallen in love with Magsud, the same way
I’ve fallen in love with Baku.


Pavel Finn, screenwriter 


…This is truly an explosion of the familiar, an abrupt and brave departure from the beaten path. Here, the ease of writing, the rare naturalness of transitions from juicy everyday sketches to the rigid symbolism of the parable. Magsud Ibrahimbeyov discovered the scale of his own abilities.


Konstantine Sherbakov, film expert

İngilis dilində

Maqsud İbrahimbəyov

ISBN: 9789952532821

160 səhifə

Yumşaq üz qabığı

Ölçü: 120x185 mm

Qiymət: 9.90 AZN


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Qiymət: 7.00 AZN
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