Hidden Rulers of the World. Judge, Jury and Executioner

  • Hidden Rulers of the World. Judge, Jury and Executioner
    Hidden Rulers of the World. Judge, Jury and Executioner
    Hidden Rulers of the World. Judge, Jury and Executioner

Hidden Rulers of the World. Judge, Jury and Executioner

In Judge, Jury & Executioner, book three in the trilogy, a veteran US secretary of state involves Drongo in a complex investigation. His mission – to find a mole within one of the world’s most powerful political organisations, the secretive Bilderberg Club. As Drongo delves into the case, a gang of professional hitmen are drawing ever closer to their prey. It requires all the detective’s skill to escape his pursuers, but suddenly success slips out of his grasp and Drongo is cornered by the killers...

“Chingiz Abdullayev is undoubtedly one of the most distinguished contemporary novelists, known all over the world... His charm could disarm diplomats at state dinners and enemy agents in dark alleys.”

John Boit, The Christian Science Monitor

“His distinctive style, vision and intriguing plot grab readers' attention. It really is a cracking thriller.”

Marc Semo, Libération

"His hero... continues to follow the demands of his conscience by single-handedly protecting the values he cherishes: the cohesion and equality of the nations, legal order, categorical opposition to corruption, self-sacrifice, warm-heartedness.”

Christine Mestre, La Russie d’Aujourd'hui

İngilis dilində

Çingiz Abdullayev

ISBN: 9789952313536

224 səhifə

Yumşaq üz qabığı

Ölçü: 120x185 mm

Qiymət: 25.00 AZN


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Alqış sədaları altında ölüm

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Bumeranq zərbəsi

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Cənub Rapsodiyası

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Hidden Rulers of the World. His Greatest Passion

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Hidden Rulers of the World. Valiant Giants

Chingiz Abdullayev
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Qiymət: 25.00 AZN
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